MISSA PRO DEFUNCTIS: 7. Lux aeterna (Communio)

EDWARD LEIN: Missa pro defunctis

Missa pro defunctis
(Mass for the Departed)
Dedicated to victims of terminal illness, in memory of my mother
7. COMMUNIO: Lux aeterna

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7. COMMUNIO: Lux aeterna
Riverside Presbyterian Chancel Choir & members of The Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Download MP3

Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine,
cum sanctis tuis in aeternum,
quia pius es.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, 
et Lux perpetua luceat eis,
cum Sanctis tuis in aeternum,
quia pius es. 
Shine eternal light upon them, O Lord,
among Your saints throughout eternity,
for You are merciful.
Grant them an eternal resting place, 
O Lord,
and shine perpetual light upon them,
among Your saints throughout eternity,
for You are merciful.    

Copyright 1991-2021, E. Lein

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